When I was teaching first grade many moons ago, my room mom mentioned something to me that has never left my file cabinet since: a happy file. From my years teaching and tutoring, I’ve saved some of those handwritten cards and notes from former students. When I’m having one of those terrible, no good, very bad days: I reach in, and pull out some happiness.
Teaching can be emotionally exhausting. That’s why many teachers leave the profession. It’s not about grades and common core in the end. It’s about nuturing and giving children a safe and warm environment to grow.
I know some of the schools I taught in were rough. Sometimes that stress really affected me.
As teachers, it’s imperative to do the little things to keep your head up despite the stress. So, as you wrap up this school year and prepare for the next, add a happy file to your cabinet.
On those days, when your principal is being a pain, or you just had the conference from hell-pull that file out. Take a deep breath and remember why you are in this field.
For the kids.
We all know teaching life isn’t all warm fuzzies, but it’s the little things that keep us going. Just like free printables, right? Now, download this, and take a few minutes to make a happy file. When that rainy day comes, you will be glad you did.
Here’s a printable to make your happy file…well, happier. Enjoy!
Download our free printable happy file
- for personal/classroom use only
- if you feature this, please link to this post, and not the PDF file directly.
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sharing@TBA’s fridayfreebies, classroomfreebies & Tatertots&jello
This is a beautiful idea. I’m not currently a professional teacher, but was once a museum educator to elementary students and adults. Although I’m not a professional teacher now, I am a mom and aunt and by nature I am a teacher in that respect. 🙂 Anyway, my name is Happy and to have accidently stumbled upon this wonderful idea on Pinterest is a beautiful thing. Just wanted to give compliments on this wonderful idea for anyone in any industry. I’m now in the legal profession and if I have a bad day, having a Happy File would cheer me up too! Thank you for the post! Best, Happy 🙂
Agreed- anyone in any profession would benefit from this, Happy!
Thank you so much for the wonderful comment. We are glad this inspired you!
Thank you! What a sweet idea! We all need a little happy:)