“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and EQtainment, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #Qsracetothetop http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”
Lately, both of my children scream at the top of their lungs to get my attention. Obviously, this isn’t appropriate and I and I desperately needed to do something to address their emotions. So I modeled how to tap me on the shoulder SILENTLY to get my attention. I often forget that they are young and need help developing their emotional intelligence.
I jumped on the chance to get my hands on the Q Wunder Board Game because it addresses emotional intelligence. My philosophy has always been to teach and learn through play. This Race to the Top board game offers the opportunity for my kids to grow their emotional intelligence through play.
Emotional intelligence is equally as important as academics. If students are able to identify their emotions, then they can manage them. Strong emotional health ties to academic success.
When the Q Wunder board game arrived in the mail, my son had it opened before we even read the instructions! My husband read the book that accompanies the board game before we started to play.
There are three set of card colors, blue, green and red. Green “Q” cards focus on practicing social awareness. Red “Do” cards center on mental and emotional control through actions. Blue “You” cards practice manners, creative thinking, and communication skills. My son’s first card pick (green) was about why cutting in line at the park is wrong. He definitely knew the answer to that one, “We share and take turn with items that do not belong to us.”
The red “Do” cards are silly action cards as well . In the first picture, my son is suppose to rotate palms up palms down between his hands. It took him a few tries before he understood what he was suppose to do. Then, he had to figure out how to make the action happen with his hands.
In the second picture, my son drew a card and he was suppose to punch the air fifty times. He really liked this activity and let me know he would never do that to the dog. E-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t! He is thinking about self control. Thanks, Q Wunder board game!
During our play, none of us landed on blue! Maybe during our next game. My son really enjoyed the board game. This thrills me for two reasons. We can play this game again and again to increase his emotional intelligence. Also, my fondest memories with my grandparents were playing board games with them after dinner. I hope to create the same memories with him.
If you need further information about emotional intelligence check out this video!
Thanks for reading,