Try some of these spring craft projects with your students or children… Flower craft with recycled materials Upcycled flower craft From Her Beatiful Mess: DIY Blooms {super simple- get everything at a dollar store} From Small Hands, Big Art: Paper Mache Carrot Pencils DIY Bird Seed Cakes from The Magic Onions from whatever: butterfly painting […]
Meet Karen {founder of TCC}
Hi, I’m Karen and welcome to the Classroom Creative! Key points about me: I have nine years of art teaching experience, kindergarten through 12th grade. I have taught in the poorest of neighborhoods and the wealthiest neighborhoods of Chicago. Diversity, I’ve got that covered. In fact I thrive on it! Masters 2: Art Education […]
Meet Nicolette {co-founder of TCC}
Hello! Welcome to the Classroom Creative. I’m Nicolette Lennert, one of the masterminds behind this fine website. I guess you clicked over to learn more about me. So, in the interest in keeping things creative, I’ll do this David Letterman style. 1.) Back in the day, before my parental sabbatical, I taught K-8 art on […]
Welcome to The Classroom Creative!
Hello Everyone! Back when we were both teaching, we dreamed of a totally free website that would make lesson planning easier. We both remember late nights scouring search engine for unit ideas. After searching 1000s of blogs and sites, even the lovely Pinterest, nothing was exactly meeting our vision. So, we’ve spent the better part […]