Halloween is about costumes, trick or treating, candy, and Halloween paper crafts! I hope you enjoy the many Halloween paper crafts I found scouring the internet. Surely you will find one Halloween paper craft your kids will love! Halloween Paper Pumpkins Paper Pumpkins from Enjoy It Mosaic pumpkin from Itty Bitty Love Halloween bowls […]
20+ First Grade Addition & Subtraction Ideas
Step away from the flashcards, and reinforce those early computation skills with fun activities and games for addition and subtraction! We’ve rounded up enough ideas to keep your first graders engaged for months on end, while reinforcing those addition and subtraction skills. Need more ideas for math? Check out our math centers gallery. […]
30+ First Grade Read Alouds with Activities
Hello, everyone! Back when I was teaching the primary grades, the read-aloud portion of our literacy block was my favorite. Like all areas of teaching and life, change is good! Hopefully, some of our read-aloud suggestions below can enhance your read-aloud time. Need more literacy ideas for first grade? Stop by our literacy stations page or […]
Occupational Therapy Ideas for Kids
As a mother of a child with autism, I know first hand how challenging teaching life and motor skills to children with delays can be. Occupational therapy encompasses everything from life skills, fine motor, gross motor, to executive functioning. I hope this board can help the many dedicated therapists, teachers, and parents who need ideas […]
Fall Leaves Craft Ideas & Activities
Nature is providing its annual show for us, and ample free crafting supplies to boot. After hours of searching, here’s some rather creative ideas for your homes and classrooms: celebrating all things autumn with fall leaves crafts and activities. Start your fall leaves hunt with a free printable song from our site… This […]
10 Quick Costumes for Imaginary Play
My son picked up a stick. “It’s the letter “L”, he whispered. Today it was an “L”, and yesterday the stick was a sword, wand and bat. It’s never just a stick. I love his imagination and I’m all about encouraging it. To help inspire your children’s imaginations, check out these 10 quick costume ideas […]
10 Must-Read Halloween Picture Books
In my home, I have a bubbling cauldron full of Halloween picture books collected from my years teaching. I’ve continued adding to the collection now that I’m a mom of 2. I think I get more excited than my kids when the Scholastic book order comes in. Even when my boys are teens, this cauldron […]
Monster Crafts & Activities
I often remind my son that all monsters are not scary. There are a lot of friendly monsters too. To prove my point, I found a round-up of friendly monster crafts and fun monster activities that any kid can enjoy. Many of these ideas would be fun for a Halloween classroom party or even, a […]
Preschool Numbers and Counting Activities
Hello, everyone! We are taking a break from the Halloween madness to bring you one of our many curriculum-based boards here at The Classroom Creative. Today, we are focusing on our youngest learners for preschool math ideas! {If you are in a reader, please click through to the site, as you won’t be able to […]
10+ Pumpkin Seed Activities, Crafts and Recipes
Hello everyone! I searched the internet for a few fun pumpkin seed activities, crafts and recipes. I hope you get the chance to enjoy a few of these creative ideas with your students or family. Happy pumpkin seeds! Pumpkin Seed Activities Pumpkin seed data fun from The Inspired Apple Use string to measure pumpkins from […]