I credit this dinosaur craft idea to my youngest son who is currently entering a dinosaur phase, er…OBSESSION. He took some plastic Easter eggs I bought for another project and assembled a whole village of dinosaur parents and their babies, complete with a paper plate picnic and “food” (stuffing from my new pillows). Nothing in […]
Patterned Caterpillar Craft for Kids
This caterpillar craft for kids teaches a necessary math concept: patterns! Patterns are all around us. The idea here is to teach our children to identify and create patterns. Patterning is a basic math skill that needs to be mastered early. Our caterpillar craft follows the ABCD pattern. Now that my son is familiar with AABB, AAB, […]
Upcycled Pallet Book Bin
Do you have an old pallet lying around? Upcycle it into a bookshelf or book bin. This has got to be the easiest craft ever. I didn’t have one on hand but I asked around and the very next day I received one. Pallets are not hard to find. To grow a reader, it is imperative that […]
Free Printable Bunny Mask & Paper Plate Craft
Need a quick kids’ craft for spring? How about this adorable and FREE printable bunny mask? This spring paper plate craft combines some fine motor work with pretend play. In a world of common core stress, it’s high time we put some much needed creative fun back in childhood. After all, a child’s work is […]
Ladybug Counting Hat Craft
The best time of year to observe insects is in the spring. After a long hibernation, they are hungry little buggers. They come out immediately when it turns warm to find food. Currently, my son and I are studying ladybugs. We are hoping to see a few in our yard soon. While we were waiting, […]